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Logan Rover

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Logan Rover
Robot Logan Rover
Year 2009

FIRST Robotics Competition

The Logan Rover was designed and/or thought up by Logan Su.


Drive Train

A four wheel skid-steer using the mandatory "Slick" wheels. Each side was powered by one CIM through a Toughbox in a 1:1 reduction to the wheels.

Intake System

The intake system on the Logan Rover consisted of two parts:

  • Tubing
  • Fingers


The tubing consisted of eight or so yellow bands stung up inside the robot. After the balls were taken in by the fingers, the tubing would roll them up inside the robot along side some polycarbonate placed behind the control system.


The fingers on the robot were attached to the pulley system that turned the tubing. The fingers were technically screws with no heads tapped into some short pieces of stiff tubing around three to four inches long. Often times, fingers had to be replaced after every match because they would break or fall off.

Unobtanium Motor

The main propulsion of this robot was the unobtanium motor. Unobtanium is some very grippy material in a tube form that the team has found. On the Logan Rover, it was attached to a axel and powered by a window motor geared for speed.[Citation Needed]

External Links

FRC Robot Navigation
2016 2015 2014 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
Khanquistador Alvin Genesis Chimichanga - Logan Chassis Logan Rover - Clean Sweep Longshot Thunderhorse - Nimble Gimbal Swervin' Mervin' Capek Unnamed Robot