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Jay Krishnaswamy

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Jay Krishnaswamy
Jay krishnaswamy.jpg
Name Jay Krishnaswamy
Gender Male
Member in Year(s) 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Officer Position(s) Held President in 2015
VP of Business in 2014
Vice-President in 2013
College Emory University

Jay is an avid member of the team. Not only did he actively involve himself in all aspects of building the robot, but he also led the formation of the Business Team. Additionally Jay is known for his hatred of paper which led to the team moving most documentation to Google Drive as well as his push for the purchase of 7 tablets for the team (which are used for scouting).

What Got You Involved in the Team?

A while back I went to an FRC event when my sister was on the team. It seemed like lots of fun so I joined the middle school team, due to other commitments I was unable to stick around for much on the middle school team. However in high school I joined the robotics team and am 100% committed to it!

Who is Your Role Model?

Elon Musk because of his persistence, determination, and sheer awesomeness. Mr.Musk does not take no for an answer and makes anything happen, he is a true visionary. Plus only four entities have sent a space shuttle to orbit and brought it back, the United States, Russia, China, and ELON MUSK!!!

Who is Your Student Role Model?

Fabrice Kengne - really because it was fun giving him a hard time but he also is a very ambitious person who "defied the odds."

What are Your Future Career Plans

Currently I am stuck between Industrial Engineer, management consultant, or lawyer. I love Georgia Tech and what it stands for but we shall see where I end up.

Interests or Hobbies

Tennis, golf, reading crazy good books, camping (I haven't been in two years however D:), watching TV (good TV, spongebob can only go so far) [Amazon Prime and Hulu all the way], volunteering (my thought is later I won't have time to do so, so I might as well do it now)

What Other Groups/Clubs Are You Involved In?

FBLA, Science National Honor Society, BETA Club

What Are Your Dreams In Life?

I hope to one day become successful to the point to where I am able to make an impact in the world, not "world peace" or "solving world hunger" but more along the lines of what Elon Musk is doing. For example he is transforming the car and space industry, it would be nice to be on that level. And Daniel Li will probably disagree with this but the reality is money does go a very long way in making a humanitarian difference in the world so lots of money directed and spent in the right way can solve many problems for this country.

Favorite Robotics Quote


Favorite Robotics Moments

Winning the Palmetto Regional in 2014 - I was coach that year so when we saw the final score at the end of the match we turned to our alliance partners (who we had only really met 2 hours before) and jumped up and down with joy (that sounds slightly weird, oh well). It did not matter that we barely knew each other, but we all came to win and seeing your robot accomplish that was exciting. Additionally in 2014 we made great relations with other teams and met excellent people, some who I could not picture my life without now, to think that without robotics I would not have met these people is exciting and truly shows the impact that robotics has.