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Rohil Shah
Rohil Shah | |
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Name | Rohil Shah |
Gender | Male |
Member in Year(s) | 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
College | Georgia Tech
Rohil is a quiet but quirky programmer that really knows his stuff and even knows a good joke every once in a while!
What Got You Involved in the Team?
I got involved in the team because of my own passion. I really enjoyed working with mechanical stuff and fixing stuff at my own home. At the same time I also enjoyed learning programming in my free time. With both of these passions, I decided to join robotics.
Who is Your Role Model?
My role model has to be Nikola Tesla. He's like the mad scientist everyone imagines. But he was very passionate about his work and did anything to advance science and did research because he loved it and did not expect a reward from it.
What are Your Future Career Plans
My future career plans probably involve being a mechanical engineer.
Interests or Hobbies
I play tennis and golf when I get the chance to.
What Other Groups/Clubs Are You Involved In?
I participate in Math Team, Mu Alpha Theta, Beta Club, NHS, SNHS, and FBLA.
What Are Your Dreams In Life?
My dream in life is to work for years, then retire and become a weird professor and research at a university.
Favorite Robotics Quote
Favorite Robotics Moments
Using random arbitrary measurement systems to do work (i.e. Jays).