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Tammy Ong

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Tammy Ong
Name Tammy Ong
Gender Female
Member in Year(s) 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Officer Position(s) Held VP of FRC in 2015
Treasurer in 2014
College Kennesaw State University, Southern Polytechnic State University
RoboLion Forum Account Tammy Ong

Tammy is a passionate engineer who is never seen without a smile. Her fun-loving attitude and ability to get anything done makes her an incredible team player.

What Got You Involved in the Team?

The reason I got involved in the team is because I love building things and help designing them. I wanted to learn more about what robotics was and what they do

Who is Your Role Model?

Mrs. Rutland and the mentors

What are Your Future Career Plans

My future career plans is to college, major in mechanical engineering

Interests or Hobbies

Art, piano, violin, winter guard

What Other Groups/Clubs Are You Involved In?

  • Science Olympiad
  • Gwinnett Symphony Youth Orchestra
  • HOSA

What Are Your Dreams In Life?

My dreams in life are to go to college and get job that I love to do.

Favorite Robotics Quote

"Lefty loosey, Righty Tighty" "I have not failed. I've just found 10000 ways that won't work"""

Favorite Robotics Moments

Going to competitions and meeting new people